We are BMWSequel.com, an unofficial fan website for the Boy Meets World spin-off series "Girl Meets World". We will bring you all news, photos and media updates on the show. For more information on how you can help us save the show please go here for Contact Info for Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon. Also don't forget to send in those Paper Airplanes! Info on Planes4GMW Campaign.

Mar / January 14th, 2017

Dear Girl Meets World fans,

As we all know Girl Meets World will end its final season on Disney Channel on January 20th with “Girl Meets Goodbye” airing at 6PM eastern. As a thank you to the cast, crew, and writers of the show I would love to make a tribute video AND gather impact stories from all of you.

The submissions can either be a video submission or typed out.  I would love to get as many fan submissions as possible of you guys thanking them for a wonderful 3 years, explaining why the show means so much to you and explaining how it has impacted your life. If there is a lesson that changed your life we would love to hear about that as well! If the submissions are typed out I’ll just include them on the tribute post right here on the website so that they can be read.

As for the video rules I usually have a 15 second limit but I’m going to put this to 30 seconds. Send us a video to: projects@bmwsequel.com. I must have all of your videos by Friday, January 20th at 12AM EST. Fans of all ages are welcome to participate in this project. If you are on Twitter feel free to tweet a video or your story to us. Our handle is @BMWSequelDotCom. Facebook fans  that don’t have Twitter you can comment under the post. Once this project is completed I am going to send it to them. 🙂


Send videos to: projects@bmwsequel.com

Mar / October 1st, 2016

sarah-rowanPhoto Credit: Sarah and Rowan’s Instagram

Hello everyone,

Sarah Carpenter and Rowan Blanchard both have birthdays coming up in October. Sarah’s is on October 10th and Rowan’s is 4 days after on the 14th. We are taking messages for both girls. If you would like to wish them a Happy Birthday and then a little message feel free to email us at: birthdays@bmwsequel.com  MAKE SURE YOU PUT “ROWAN” OR “SARAH” in the subject so that we know who the messages are for.


Mar / July 18th, 2016


Hello everyone,

For the last few weeks rumors have run rampant that Girl Meets World is not being renewed for a 4th season. We would like to remind everyone that every single year towards the end of season filming these rumors circulate and that the show always gets renewed. We understand that Disney has a track record for not renewing after a third season but would like to remind everyone that there has been absolutely no confirmation of this anywhere – from them. Girl Meets World is the top rated show on their network and it also got nominated for another Emmy.

Regardless of who is saying what Disney themselves has not released anything to any reliable media outlets- that we can tell. If the show was indeed canceled then trust us it would be on ET Online, The Wrap, or E! Online and so far none of those media outlets are reporting that the show has been axed. Again these rumors circulated at the end of filming for Season 1 and 2. If the show was ever to get cancelled we would have it posted on the website. Don’t worry until you have to guys! Last year we had to make a post on here (You can read it here) telling you all the same thing because rumors had started circulating. If it is anything like last year then I feel we should probably know in September/October. Season 2 wrapped in October of last year and then we got news that the show was picked up for a season 3 in November!

Stay tuned to BMWSequel.com – the number one source for all Girl Meets World news.  Don’t forget you can subscribe to us so that you get email alerts when news is posted. You can subscribe to us on the right side bar! Thank you for choosing us as your favorite Girl Meets World site!

-BMWSequel Team

Mar / June 22nd, 2016


Girl Meets World fans,

If you are on Twitter please join BMWSequel.com in our new hashtag promotion for Girl Meets World. We are going to try something different to promote Girl Meets World while new episodes air. Our idea is to use hashtags related to the episodes (different official show accounts do this) and hopefully get them to trend each week! Freeform does this kind of thing with their accounts. Their Pretty Little Liars hashtags trend every week. It is a great way to get fans to engage in the show as well as show the network just how much we care. The hashtag we are using this week is going to be #BeYourSelfMaya. If you use this during the episodes we are going RT some of you! With all the spoilers and stuff leaking it is REALLY hurting the ratings and while Disney doesn’t’ really take ratings into account like the other networks do it still sucks for the cast and writers because they work so hard to make this show. Lets show the cast and Disney just how amazing the fandom is. The cast loves reading your thoughts on the show so lets do this for them as it would mean a lot! Spread the word to everyone so we can trend #BeYourSelfMaya!





Mar / April 18th, 2016


Hi everyone,

As I’m sure you all know Danielle’s birthday is right around the corner on May 5th. I spoke to her about wanting to do something with her fans for her birthday and she told me that she would love it/request it that you all do a random act of kindness for someone then tell us about what you did. She would love to read your stories. What we will do is have you either email us your story, comment with it on Facebook, or even tweet us it then compile them into one post for the site and send it to her. The random act of kindness can be anything from opening a door for a stranger, smiling at a child, or tipping your local starbucks barista. We really hope that many of you will take part of this! You can email your stories to: daniellesbirthday@bmwsequel.com  The deadline for this project is May 3rd! We hope to hear from all of you!

BMWSequel Admins

Mar / March 4th, 2016


Hello everyone,

Since Sef has stepped down from the website and I’ve taken over as the new owner we now have a new admin that I’d like to introduce you all to. Her name is Kendra and she is a wonderful person, friend, and most of all AMAZING Girl Meets World fan! She is going to be a great addition to the website. I can’t wait to work more with her and come up with new great idea’s for BMWSequel.com! One of the things first things we are going to work on is bullying that goes on in the fandom. We are going to try to do some things that involve that. Our first project is one for Rowan which you can find in the previous post on here. Anyways head on over the Admin Bio section of the site to get to know more about Kendra! You can also follow her and I on Twitter! Her Twitter handle is in the tweet below. Go here to the “Meet The Admin” section: http://bmwsequel.com/meet-the-site-admins-2/



Mar / March 2nd, 2016

Photo Credit: Rowan’s Instagram

Kendra and I have noticed recently that Rowan gets a lot of mean comments on her social media accounts (twitter, Instagram, and Facebook) so because of this we want to send her nothing but LOVE. This project is a very simple one actually, one that all of her fans can get involved in. All you have to do is simply send us a video answering one question: Why do you love Rowan? We are going to put all of your videos together and combine it into one video which will then be sent to her. The video must be no longer than 15 seconds long (we want to make room for as many of her fans as we can) and you can send it to us via email which I have set up through fhsequel.com because there are technical issues through here. The email address you can send the videos too is: gmwsiteprojects@fhsequel.com  Another way for you to submit to this project is via twitter. You can tweet us your video.

Please send us your videos by March 10 at 12AM Eastern as that is the deadline for it.  

Mar / March 2nd, 2016


Hello Everyone,

As most of you know Sef will be stepping down from bmwsequel.com and handing the website over to me. I wanted to make a post to thank him and let you all know that this website is not going anywhere.  4 years ago Sef created this website and came across me on Twitter when he saw that I had tweeted about the Google Hangout that Danielle Fishel was doing with OK Magazine. He approached me via Twitter and asked me if I would be interested in helping him with BMWsequel.com and of course I said yes. I would like to thank Sef for giving me this opportunity to work beside him in keeping you all updated on news with Girl Meets World. It has been such a wonderful journey and I’m so excited to be able to keep that journey alive.

One of the things, I want you all to know is that even though Sef didn’t put himself out there as much as I did, he did work diligently to keep you all updated on news pertaining to the show. He dedicated so much time and effort into this website so without him it wouldn’t be here and I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to help out with it or even meet the cast. Sef, I want to personally thank you for all you did and have done for this website, the show, and the fandom. You are a great friend, and a great partner with a heart of gold who really cares about this show, the fans, and the cast. Thank you, for giving me this opportunity to work along side you as it has been such a wonderful journey. I promise you that your baby will be in good hands. I will take good care of it and you know the door is always open for you to come back and help me! I love you and I wish you all the best.

To the fans, bmwsequel.com will not be going anywhere, I am going to be here to keep you all updated and my friend Kendra will be helping me out as well. I am looking forward to continuing to help this website be your number 1 source for Girl Meets World news!


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