We are BMWSequel.com, an unofficial fan website for the Boy Meets World spin-off series "Girl Meets World". We will bring you all news, photos and media updates on the show. For more information on how you can help us save the show please go here for Contact Info for Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon. Also don't forget to send in those Paper Airplanes! Info on Planes4GMW Campaign.

Mar / October 5th, 2014


Thank you Hilary for sending this to us! If you would like to be next weeks winner please email your letters to fanletters@bmwsequel.com. Remember they can be to one cast member, all cast members one writer, all writers Michael Jacobs, or directed at all of them!

Dear Entire Cast and Crew of Girl Meets World,

I am far too afraid I will forget someone so I couldn’t list out all the names, shout outs to follow.

I am a 90s baby. I own the complete series of Boy Meets World, I take it with me to college, so as a college senior I watch an episode of Boy Meets World every morning to make sure I have a positive start to my day. I only watch one so then the series “lasts longer.” I remember when Girl Meets World was first announced, forever ago…. I was all OMG OMG OMG OMG. I was ecstatic to know that Ben and Danielle were coming back. I admit, I was not even focused on the whole “daughter” idea, I was just too excited about Cory and Topanga coming back to my television.

I remember the first time I saw Girl Meets World. I remember going “OMG FEENY” (and I was talking about Cory being a teacher when I said that.) Then Farkle, I went Minkus! And then had an emotional moment when Mr. Feeny was at the end of the episode. Childhood doesn’t usually get to be relived, but Michael Jacobs and everyone at Disney have allowed people like me to re live our childhood. For that I am eternally grateful.

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Mar / September 25th, 2014



Our Fan letter of the week goes out to Amanda! Thank you for sending this to us!

Dear Writers and Directors and cast members of Girl Meets World,

My name is Amanda and I’m 26 years old. I grew up watching Boy Meets World my entire
childhood. Our Friday night sleep overs as a kid had us watching Boy Meets World
before we would do anything 🙂 The world before DVR. It was fun to watch the story
lines and learn life lessons from our TV peers. Girls wanted to grow up and have
relationships like Corey and Topanga, or just about anyone wanted or felt like they
had friendships like Shawn and Corey did! And for the kids who grew up in a divorced
families (like myself) it was nice to watch a family go threw hard times and work
things out. You knew it wasn’t real, and that these were just characters in a show,
but it gave you a nice warm fuzzy feeling.

So where am I going with this you may be asking. She’s 26 years old, grow up right?
I did I promise. But when I saw that y’all were bring the show back I got excited.
Finally a show that the kids can watch that won’t make me wanna hit myself with a

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Mar / September 17th, 2014



Hi guys! We are going to do a new thing called “Fan Letter of the Week”. Each week we’ll pick a fan letter and feature it on the site! The letter can be to the cast, one of the cast members, the writers, or all of them together. Once we put it on the site we will tweet it to whoever the letter is written to! You can email us your letters to: fanletters@bmwsequel.com along with your Twitter handle.  We think this will be a great feature to add to our website.

-Bmwsequel Staff

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