We are BMWSequel.com, an unofficial fan website for the Boy Meets World spin-off series
"Girl Meets World". We will bring you all news, photos and media updates on the show. For more information on how you can help us save the show please go here for Contact Info for Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon. Also don't forget to send in those Paper Airplanes! Info on Planes4GMW Campaign.
I wanted to take a minute to promote Sarah’s photography page. You guys all know who Sarah is right? She’s Sabrina’s sister who sings back up live for her in concerts and was also in Girl Meets World. The last episode of Girl Meets World she was in was “Girl Meets Hollyworld” and she’s been in many others as an extra. Sarah takes some great photos and I really wanted to take a minute to promote her photography page. She does amazing work and I wanted to share it with everyone. I have shared some of pictures below. Check out her page by going here:
Happy 20th birthday! I just want you to know that I adore you. You are so beautiful and talented. I’m in awe of you and Sabrina both whenever I see you two singing together. Your back up vocals are incredible and I just love hearing you as much as I love hearing her. Also I just want to say that you and Peyton Clark are relationship goals! You two are adorable together. I hope you have the best birthday ever. Can’t wait to see you in Cleveland on December 3rd! Happy Birthday and enjoy these messages from your fans!
Happy Birthday to Sarah! Your sister Sabrina must be so proud of you as am I
And also Happy Columbus Day as a bonus
Happy Birthday!!!! miss Sarah & Rowan!!!!…hope both of you have a
fantastic day and enjoy the love from one of your biggest
fans 💞💟💞💟💞💟💞
Happy B-Day Sarah! Hope you have a great time on your special celebrating
it with your family, friends and your boyfriend! I wish you good health,
more birthdays to celebrate and a happy long life! 😀
Puerto Rico
Happy Birthday Sarah!!! Hope it’s an awesome Birthday!!! – Chelsea
Sarah Carpenter and Rowan Blanchard both have birthdays coming up in October. Sarah’s is on October 10th and Rowan’s is 4 days after on the 14th. We are taking messages for both girls. If you would like to wish them a Happy Birthday and then a little message feel free to email us at: birthdays@bmwsequel.comMAKE SURE YOU PUT “ROWAN” OR “SARAH”in the subject so that we know who the messages are for.
Sabrina was scheduled to perform at the Frontier City theme park in Oklahoma City in July but that has been changed to August 21st. Admission to the concert is free with Park Admission.
Family, my show at Frontier City is being moved to Sun, August 21st. Really can’t wait to see u guys soon.
Remember that mistake a while back when we said Girl Meets World was filming at Disneyland which was absolutely incorrect (we found links from what people tweeted of pictures/videos of them filming so we assumed that, sorry cast/crew/fans!)? Well, Rowan, Sabrina, Sarah and Corey were at Disneyland filming taking their besties to rides and racing at Disney’s California Adventure. You can see the awesome video below!