Mar / August 28th, 2017
Photo Credit: Auggie’s Instagram
Happy 10th and 6th Birthday, Auggie and Ocean! You boys have grown up so much. I’m so proud of you. I hope you had fun at your birthday party yesterday! It sure looked like a blast.You guys need to stop growing! Bet Mommy is wishing she could stop time. Have a wonderful day today. Here are some birthday messages from your fans. 🙂
From Cindy:
Happy birthday Auggie & Ocean! I hope you have the best birthday ever! May all your
wishes come true and that your birthday is as special as you are! You both are so
awesome and amazing at everything you do! Love you guys!
Your biggest fan,Cindy (insta and Twitter @sweetcindyR5)
Zanndis Chambers
I wish you Auggie and Ocean the best birthday wishes! You two have lots of fun on your birthday, August 28th!
Tonya Caudill
Happy birthday guys you 2 share the same birthday as my ,well soon to be 9 year old son. Hope you guys have a good one.
Zanndis Chambers
I wish you Auggie and Ocean the best birthday wishes! You two have lots of fun on your birthday, August 28th!
Tonya Caudill
Happy birthday guys you 2 share the same birthday as my ,well soon to be 9 year old son. Hope you guys have a good one.
Barbara Pierce
??????Happy Birthday Auggie and Ocen?????? Hope you guys have a magical day! ??
Denys Hernandez
Happy Birthday to August and Ocean…may you grow up to be awesome and handsome young men. Dream big! ??????
Danielle Jacinto
Happy Birthday to two very special people–Auggie and Ocean. The world is better with you in it! Hope you have the best day! ??
Janilise Rivera
Happy B-Day Auggie and Ocean! I really hope that you guys enjoy your special day with your family and friends! ??????????
Nicea Scheeler
Holy cow! Happy birthday guys!! I will admit that I am super sad about GMW ending.
Hopefully I see Auggie around in other stuff! Again, happy birthday! Hope it’s lit???
Laura (@JustSayinTee on Twitter)

Mar / May 5th, 2017

Dear Danielle,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope you have a wonderful day. I just want you to know that I admire you so much and you are truly one of the nicest most kindest inspiring people I have ever met. I’m so thankful that I can say I met “Topanga”. It is something I will truly never forget. Today on your birthday I have put together this post of random acts of kindness stories sent in my a bunch of your fans. My story for you is that twice a week I have been volunteering at my mom’s hospital. I volunteer on the Long Term Care Unit which is the nursing home part of the hospital and then on another day I in the lab where my mom works and I help bring up specimens from the downstairs lab. It’s been so much fun to be able to help out over there. I especially love volunteering with the elderly patients. 🙂 I hope that you truly enjoy the rest of the stories from you fans. I have put them below. 🙂
Faith writes:
I’m not sure if this counts as a random act of kindness, but I recently saved someone from suicide. I got her the help she needed right away. There’s so much to live for. And I always try to help people at school with little things they may be dealing with. Like, I’ll try to make them laugh if they’re having a tough day, or I’ll help them with a question they’re stuck on, or I’ll just encourage them to keep pushing, because nothing bad lasts forever.
Hoor wrote:
I am your huge fan and for the random act if kindness i bought a pair of boots and gave them away to a girl with the same size of shoe i had but that girl was poor and it was winter so i gave the boots to her
Cecia wrote:
Well first of all I’d like to say happy birthday and I hope you have an excellent day and I’d like to say you’re the best tv mom ever. My acts of kindness were I opened the door for two strangers and I helped a grandmother cross the street.
Dakota wrote:
A few years ago I went with a youth group to repair houses for those who needed repairs but were unable to do them. The trip lasted a week, but the lesson I learned from it will last forever.
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Mar / October 14th, 2016

Dear Rowan,
First of all HAPPY BIRTHdAY! I can’t believe you are 15. I feel like you’ve grown before my eyes. I’m so beyond proud of you for all that you have accomplished in your young life. You have evolved into such a wonderful, inspiring, young girl that this generation can idolize and look up to you. You’re character on Girl Meets World is inspiring to young girls as well and I’m glad that young teens have Riley whom they can relate to and you’re so lucky to be the one portraying and playing that character. This world needs more people like you in it. I admire your strength and who you are as a person. I honestly couldn’t be more proud. I love you, babe! It’s been a pleasure to meet you both times I’ve come to set. Happy Birthday again and I hope you enjoy all these messages for your birthday.
Happy Birthday!!!! miss Sarah & Rowan!!!!…hope both of you have a
fantastic day and enjoy the love from one of your biggest
fans 💞💟💞💟💞💟💞 – Lyythos
We just wanted to say Happy Birthday to you. I grew
up on Boy Meets World and still watch it. Got my kids hooked on it. Just
wanna say you girls are amazing and having continued the legacy
beautifully. We love Girl Meets World and your quirky personalities.
Whenever a new episode comes on we watch it together. Always! Have a
fantastic birthday and to many more!
Jason, Jacob and Katy Wallace
Happy birthday Rowan
You are a incredible person and already changing the world.Thank you for being who
you are.
From Belgium.
Jada kennedy ❤
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Mar / October 10th, 2016
Photo Credit: Sarah’s Instagram
Dear Sarah,
Happy 20th birthday! I just want you to know that I adore you. You are so beautiful and talented. I’m in awe of you and Sabrina both whenever I see you two singing together. Your back up vocals are incredible and I just love hearing you as much as I love hearing her. Also I just want to say that you and Peyton Clark are relationship goals! You two are adorable together. I hope you have the best birthday ever. Can’t wait to see you in Cleveland on December 3rd! Happy Birthday and enjoy these messages from your fans!
Happy Birthday to Sarah! Your sister Sabrina must be so proud of you as am I
And also Happy Columbus Day as a bonus
Happy Birthday!!!! miss Sarah & Rowan!!!!…hope both of you have a
fantastic day and enjoy the love from one of your biggest
fans 💞💟💞💟💞💟💞
Happy B-Day Sarah! Hope you have a great time on your special celebrating
it with your family, friends and your boyfriend! I wish you good health,
more birthdays to celebrate and a happy long life! 😀
Puerto Rico
Happy Birthday Sarah!!! Hope it’s an awesome Birthday!!! – Chelsea
Hi Sarah!
I would like to wish you a very happy birthday!
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Mar / October 7th, 2016
Photo Credit: Auggie’s Twitter would like to send a very Happy Birthday wish to Matt Nelson(in the above picture he is the one in glasses) who wrote for Boy Meets World and also is writing for Girl Meets World! We hope you have a wonderful day Matt. You as well as the other writers have brought us so many great episodes and have created such wonderful shows for us. Thank you!
Mar / August 27th, 2016
Photo Credit: Mark’s Instagram
Dear Mark,
We hope that you have the happiest birthdays! Thank you for being one of the many reasons we have such an incredible show that we can look forward to watching every week. Thank you for being so kind
when we have met you the times that we have. You’re an amazing writer and we love Girl Meets World. I know that Girl Meets World is geared more towards children but even at 31 years old and 23 years old it has taught us a lot about life. Thank you so much for being so nice to us when we came and visited the set. You’re amazing and you were a big part of my childhood and now adult life. I can’t wait to see what you create next! happy birthday! Here’s to another year of awesome and hopefully one more season if not more!! We hope you love these messages that your fans sent to us. 🙂
-Mar and Natalie-
Hi Mark!
Thank you for all the wonderful episodes that you have written and shared with us. You’re one of my favorite writers. It’s a real privilege to see your writing brought to life. I hope you have an amazing birthday, you deserve it! Here’s to hoping for a season 4! 🙂
To Mark happy birthday🎈🎂 and thank you for making GMW a fantastic show
for all us to watch, its an amazing show,And the cast and crew are
awesome, i also hope u have an amazing birthday and hope for a season 4!!!
Everyone one is great on GMW and the writes are sweet with the episodes the
and you write !! Yall Rock . happy birthday Mark and thank you from the
bottom of my heart !! Have a great birthday😎😀😎😀😎😀 -Michele-
I want to congratulate you on your birthday. I hate to let you know that
you’re getting a year older, but it’s all in good spirit!! As a 29 year old
man with no kids and a girlfriend; I often times find myself watching Girl
Meets World and I actually enjoy it despite the show being intended for
younger viewers. I fully believe that the writing of the show is critical
to the success of the show. How is it that you as an “older person” (you’re
only older in age not in spirit) can write such deep content about younger
people? It is absolutely incredible that you can keep this mindset despite
all that exists out in the world (war, racism, money, children, etc. etc.).
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Mar / June 28th, 2016
Photo Credit: Ben’s Instagram
Michael we hope you have a fantastic birthday! Thank you so much for creating to wonderful shows and many others for us to watch! You and the writers do such a fantastic job with Girl Meets World. We can’t wait to see what new and fun things you guys have in store for us viewers.
Mar / May 28th, 2016
Photo Credit: Danny’s Instagram would like to wish Danny a very happy birthday! We hope you have a wonderful day Danny and can’t wait to see more of you on Girl Meets World!