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Mar / June 6th, 2017

Photo Credit: Will’s Twitter

Rider and Will attended Comic Con Philly this past weekend and were asked about why Girl Meets World was cancelled. I have transcribed the part where they were asked about Girl Meets World. It’s very interesting what they have to say! They both gave some new info and spilled the beans a little bit. If you would like to watch the panel in full I have embedded the video at the bottom of the post. Also the Girl Meets World question starts at 26:24.

Fan: I’m just wondering was there a reason why Girl Meets World was cancelled?

Rider: That’s a really good question. Um no I mean I think. So the company line is that Disney it had sort of flat lined as far as the ratings are concerned. That being said we were still the highest rated show on Disney. I’m not sure. We don’t know exactly.

Will: Disney is famous for having something called the 65 and out rule. Which is no matter where your show is no matter what happens you have 65 episodes and you’re done.

Fan: *hollers in background* stupid rule.

Will: Very. Um the first show a little trivia. The first show that ever went passed the 65 rule was Kim Possible and it did that because of the fans. It was completely and totally brought back because of the fans. But before that it did not matter what your show was, what your ratings were, that was it 65 and you’re done. Then they started to do things like the show with Miley Cyrus which was making them a tragillion dollars a day and they go “Oh why would we cancel this?” but still for the most part they are kind of hard fast. There’s been different shows that have kind of gone four.

Rider: Four seasons is definitely their max and part of that has to do with union. Its really boring but labor union issues with crew. Disney is notorious they keep their Disney Channel shows very cheap and they make them very cheaply and so they have agreements with different contracts so they never want to go over 100 episodes. Um but also I think Girl Meets World started to get older for them. Their goal is to really keep an audience until they want 6 year olds to be able to watch their stuff and stay with them until their 12 when they get over 12 they start phasing out you know the audience so I think they were worried Girl Meets World would get into High School years, and dating, and things that Boy Meets World was able to do because we were on a network. We were on ABC and Disney was worried about the letters they would get and another thing to consider is a lot of the Disney Channel shows could sell ancillary products you know toys, if its a magic based show or someone on the show is a singer they can make concerts. Girl Meets World didn’t have any of those components so I think Disney was kind of like eh it did its thing.

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