Photo Credit: Cheryl’s Twitter
Cheryl recently sat down with Celebmix where she talked about acting, Girl Meets World, her web series, and more. We copied the part where she talked about Girl Meets World. You can read it below!
Source: CelebMix
How do you feel the dynamic of Girl Meets World would change if your character Katy, and Shawn Hunter got married?
Hypothetically speaking, I think Katy would probably feel a bit more sure of herself in certain areas of her life. I mean, marrying someone is a huge game-changer. I think Maya would feel very differently and probably be a bit – or a lot – more hopeful towards the future if that were to happen.
Do you see any parallels to yourself in your character since she’s an aspiring actress?
Haha! Sorry, I have to laugh. Sometimes I see too many parallels. I think what Katy and I have in common the most is that the people we love come first and foremost in our lives. Even during Season One, when Katy really wasn’t there for Maya as much as she would have liked – it wasn’t out of selfish impulses. It was because Katy was honestly doing what she felt was the best thing for her daughter. She may have fallen short a bit in doing it, but the intention was always coming from a good place. Also, I share her optimism. I think Katy is an utter optimist. Or maybe that’s just the way I play her – But I think she’s able to see a silver lining in everything.
If you were Maya’s mother in real life, who would you want her to be in a relationship with? A lot of fans are tied with Lucas, Uncle Josh and even the possibility of a same-sex relationship with Riley.
Oh boy. I’m pleading the fifth on this one. I cannot get tangled up in these ships.
Any secrets from the set you can spill to us?
Everyone is freaking rad and it’s truly one of the nicest groups of people I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with!