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Sef / December 5th, 2015


Photo Credit: Rowan’s Facebook

Rowan talked to TVinsider.com about why she’s so proud of Girl Meets World, talked Girl Meets The New Year and Riley and Maya’s friendship.


In any other situation, Riley would have gone to Maya. How is she coping without having her best friend to talk to?
Riley’s extremely isolated. She can’t talk to Maya or Lucas about it. She can talk to Farkle about it, but only so much. You don’t talk to your parents about that stuff really so it’s a very isolated place for her. And she’s a people pleaser so she just wants to please everybody else and forgets about herself. So we’ll see what happens!

What are you excited for people to see in this episode?
One of my favourite scenes is towards the end. I can’t say what that is. But this episode was kind of a whirlwind because the original plotline involved an actor who wasn’t able to be on set that week. The actor, who plays Josh, got into a motorcycle accident and that week he was in the hospital, so we had to write him out the day we were filming. It was crazy. You still hear the name “Josh” in the episode, but that’s partially because we didn’t know whether or not he was going to be on set that week.

I thought it was sweet because it felt like she was picking her friendship with Maya over Lucas in a way, which was great to see.
One of the things we’ve tried to emphasise on the show is that relationships aren’t limited to romantic ones and you can have a friendship that is just as powerful, if not more powerful, than any romantic relationship. I think that’s what the episode is about in the end, Riley and Maya’s friendship and how it kind of defies all odds.

Read the rest of the interview at TVinsider.com here: http://www.tvinsider.com/article/57616/girl-meets-world-rowan-blanchard-on-rileys-feelings-for-lucas/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=tvi

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