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Girl Meets World / August 24th, 2015

We love how the writers spoke in this episode about how important art and music is in schools. In this episode the school board of Riley’s school wanted to get rid of art and music. We loved the way the kids used creative ways by singing, dancing and taking down the paintings from the wall to show everyone that the world would be dull without art and music.

Maya painted a picture of a door that was a bit opened and Ms. Kossal loved it. Riley had a painting of a purple cat and made fun of her, poor Riley. Ms. Kossal then informed them that Maya’s painting is her last one immediately making Maya worried and she asked Ms. Kossal on what’s going on. Ms. Kossal stated that school is running out of money, and that they’re cutting art and music classes immediately after the next school meeting.

After school we see Riley and Maya in the bay window talking about if they are going to do something about the issue with the school pulling the arts. Maya is upset because its something she loves to do and wants to know how they are going to fix it. They decide to go talk to Topanga and she tells them that legally there is nothing she can do about it but tells them to fight for it.

In the next scene they are back at the school talking to Mr. Tuner. Cory thought Mr. Turner was the reason that the school was getting rid of the art and music programs. Mr. Turner kept saying “Matthews” as it wasn’t his fault that this is happening. It was funny though the way they both interacted this episode.

Later on in the episode at Topanga’s bakery, they’re talking about art and music being removed from the school and Zay revealed that Lucas said that Maya is a blonde beauty. Maya seemed surprised by that but poor Riley seemed confused about it. He told each of the others what Lucas had said about them.

The next scene is the board meeting. Mr. Turner, the board, Cory, Topanga, Auggie and the gang were at a board meeting. Maya started singing and then Zay stopped her, they started dancing then stopped and took down the paintings. The kids do different things to show why the arts are important. Zay later calls out Mrs. Sanchez who is part of the board on the fact that she was an art major. Mrs. Sanchez admitted that she has a degree in studio art. She also admits that it upsets her about having to pull the arts after they took down the painting off the wall. The board meeting was over and she asked Maya to please hang her poster back on the wall.

In the end, the board decided not to remove art and music from the school. We loved how Riley pushed Maya to do something about getting art and music back rather than helping her as she knows art is her passion and how important it is to her.

Girl Meets the Truth was referenced when Farkle said he was suspended for a year from auditioning for Drama plays.

How did you guys like this episode? Comment below!

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