Written by Mar.
Since Girl Meets First Date was added to the WATCH Disney application, I had the pleasure of being able to watch it this morning. I’ve watched it four times already so that goes to say how good the episode is. First off, the episode was directed by Rider Strong and he did a fantastic job with it. Secondly, I don’t know if anyone noticed, but this episode was written by Susan Estelle Jensen who was a writer from Boy Meets World. Amazing writing job to her as well. Now onto the episode. I think it is one of the best this season so you definitely don’t want to miss it! This episode is about Riley wanting to go on her first date and Cory realizing that his little girl is not so little anymore. This episode paralleled “Boy Meets World” in the way that Shawn got the ball rolling when it came to Cory asking Topanga out. Maya got the ball rolling by asking Lucas to go out with her which in turn confused Riley who later realizes that Maya did that to help her out. She realizes later that Maya did it to help push her and Lucas together. Lucas being the gentleman that he is, comes over to the Matthews house to ask Cory for permission to take Riley out on her first date. Cory agrees to it as long as it is a double date with Farkle and Maya. Josh is in this episode as well. He is going to be taking summer classes at NYU which makes Maya very happy. Maya hits on him and he tells her that she’s 3 years younger than him so it won’t work. There was also a very funny scene with Cory when he said to Lucas “Do I look like a man who would let his child go out on a date this young?” and then out walk Ava and Auggie. I actually laughed out loud at that. It was perfect. Ava told Topanga that Auggie proposed to her and she shows Topanga her ring. Topanga realizes the ring Ava is wearing is actually hers that her Grandmother gave her.
There is a scene with Maya and Riley in the bakery. Josh is there with his campus adviser who is telling him all about NYU. Riley notices that he is there and tries to leave before Maya sees them. She knows that Maya really likes Josh and doesn’t want her to be upset by seeing that he is with another girl. However, Maya being Maya, turns around anyway and is clearly upset that because she thinks they are on a date. The next scene is Riley and Maya before their date. Before Maya shows up there is a scene with Riley and Topanga. Topanga tells her that she looks beautiful and Cory probably won’t let her leave the house. Riley asks her about her first date with Cory so Topanga tells her about it. Shortly after that Maya shows up. She and Riley comment to each other about how good they look. Maya says she’s giving Farkle 84% because she knows it means more to him than it does her. The next scene is with Cory, Auggie and Ava. They have a fake wedding and it’s another cute moment where I laughed. Topanga says she is going to be the first to take Ava over the threshold. She basically kicks Ava out. Really funny scene.
The next scene is at the subway station. Lucas is speechless when he sees how beautiful Riley looks. Farkle is just Farkle and starts rambling on when he sees Maya. The four of them go onto the subway and Riley sits on Lucas’s lap just like how it was in the pilot episode. Maya spots Josh and the campus adviser on there as well. Josh is really into the adviser but she’s tells him that she is 3 years older than him and a freshman in college. After the adviser gets off the subway, Maya walks over and makes a comment to him “She pulled that three years older thing on you.”. He replies that “I really put myself out there.” and Maya says “Oh I couldn’t possibly identify with your pain.” and Josh says “It hurts doesn’t it?”. Cute scene with them two. Lucas tells Riley to go over to Maya so she does and they talk. Then after that is the kiss scene with Riley and Lucas. It was adorable, not anything intense just a sweet small innocent kiss on the lips. Farkle tries to kiss Maya but she puts her hand out instead so he basically just kisses her hand. She tells him “Good job Farkle”.
The last scene is Riley and Maya in the window and Cory and Topanga out in the living room talking about how things have changed. Topanga asks Cory “Are you scared?” and Maya asks Riley the same thing. Cory says “No, I got you.” and Riley says the same exact thing to Maya. This episode was just all kinds of adorable! I LOVED it! I thought the writers did an excellent job showing a teenagers first date. It was just super sweet and cute how it played out. I thought it was one of the best this season! I can’t wait to see what Season 2 brings us! I think it will be amazing.
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