We are BMWSequel.com, an unofficial fan website for the Boy Meets World spin-off series "Girl Meets World". We will bring you all news, photos and media updates on the show. For more information on how you can help us save the show please go here for Contact Info for Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon. Also don't forget to send in those Paper Airplanes! Info on Planes4GMW Campaign.

Girl Meets World / November 18th, 2014

Girl Meets World Logo


For those of you who are attending tonight’s (November 18) taping of Girl Meets World, we would love to hear from you. Please send us a recap of your experience along with your first name and we will post it on our website and message boards. We are still going to post spoilers but will be using discretion when doing so. This just means that we won’t be posting major ones anymore.  You can email us your pictures and recaps to: gmwfans@bmwsequel.com

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