Check out’s exclusive interview with Danielle Fishel! Big thank you to Danielle for taking the time to do this interview as well as answer some of YOUR questions! We love you Danielle!
BMW Sequel: You have a book “Normally, This Would be Cause for Concern: Tales of Calamity and Unrelenting Awkwardness” coming out (We pre-ordered it as well!) and we can’t wait for it to come out! How much fun was it to write the book and what can your fans look forward to from the book?
Everyone can pre-order the book here.
Danielle: Thank you for pre-ordering! Writing NTWBCFC was exciting for me because it was a new challenge I had never taken on. Even with as difficult as it was sometimes, and in hindsight how many changes I wish I would have made, it was a really fun process. Fans can look forward to a lot of funny pictures, stories from my childhood, and a little bit about what it’s like being in the public eye.
BMW Sequel: What made you decide to want to write a book?
Danielle: Partially I wanted to write a book because I had written one when I was sixteen but I had a ghost writer. I really love to challenge myself and push myself to new limits. My number one goal in life is to never stop improving myself. We are all works in progress as long as we recognize that we have areas where we can grow and improve and become better people. I also like to dispel the idea that celebrities have everything together all the time. No one does. I personally don’t find it relatable or comforting when I read stories about people who always seem to have the right answer. It makes me wonder, “What’s wrong with me? How do they have everything together all the time and I’m a buffoon half the time?” So, I wanted to share some funny stories of times when I clearly needed someone else’s guidance.
BMW Sequel: What was your favorite part to write in your new book?
Danielle: My favorite parts to write in the book were the chapters on my childhood and the chapter on my decision to go to college at twenty-seven. Reliving some of my favorite childhood stories was really fun and I’m such an advocate for continuing your education so I enjoyed telling people what a wonderful experience it was for me.
BMW Sequel: Do you think you will write more books in the future?
Danielle: I hope so! I won’t be writing another book like this but someday I hope to have enough wisdom and courage to put something together that is a little less funny and a lot more thought-provoking.
BMW Sequel: You did a movie called “Boiling Pot” and it deals with racism, which a lot of people deal with. The trailer looks amazing and it looks like it’s going to grab a lot of people’s attention. What attracted you to that role?
Danielle: I was initially attracted to Boiling Pot because I absolutely loved the script. It was very well done and it handled a very relevant topic in a way that I think inspires discussion. I love movies that keep you talking about them after they’ve ended and Boiling Pot definitely does that. I played a character that was different than any other character I’ve ever played and some of the decisions she makes really make you question whether she’s a good person or not. It was a wonderful experience to make and I hope everyone gets the chance to see it soon.
BMW Sequel: We’ve heard that if Girl Meets World gets picked up for a second season (Second season got picked up!) that you will be directing. What made you decide to want to try that out?
Danielle: Yes, I will be! I am super excited for that opportunity. Until we started GMW, I had never really felt that I had an interest in directing. It wasn’t until we got on set again that I realized how much my brain operated like a director versus an actor. It’ll be a new muscle for me to flex and, as I’ve mentioned, I am always up for a challenge. Luckily, with our amazing team of writers and our incredible cast, I don’t have too much to be concerned with.
BMW Sequel: What kind of advice do you have for people who want to become an actor?
Danielle: This is a tough question for me. I absolutely believe that everyone should pursue what it is that will make them not only a living, but happy in their lives. With that said, some careers are very unpredictable, not at all stable, and have an extreme level of competition. Acting is one of those jobs. My advice would be to first know yourself very well; do you handle rejection well? Do you have thick skin? Are you comfortable giving up your privacy? Are you okay with things happening last minute? Are you prepared to possibly never know when your next paycheck is coming? If you answered “yes” to all of those, then pursuing a career as an actor may be perfect for you! My second piece of advice would be to always have a well formulated Plan B. Hopefully your acting career is successful and you never need to go to Plan B, but just in case, pick something you also love to do and be prepared to take that route if things don’t work out as you had hoped.
BMWSequel: Elizabeth (From Facebook) and we asked: You are such a down-to-earth woman, flawless, and a true role model. You weren’t one of the Hollywood kids that became a bad girl. Is there someone in particular that kept you grounded? (We’re both really proud of you!)
Danielle: Thank you, Elizabeth. While I certainly have many flaws, I do take being a good role-model seriously. There are a few things I wish I could go back and do-over because I don’t think they are in alignment with the type of woman I am or the type of woman I want girls to look up to, but I have never been perfect and I will never be perfect. I recognize the power in being able to say, “I made a mistake and I’m going to do better in the future.” That’s where I am in my life right now; learning, adjusting, and changing for the better.
BMWSequel: What is your favorite type of music?
Danielle: I listen to a lot of different types of music but right now I have been really into jazz. Watercolors on SiriusXM is my favorite station.
BMW Sequel: Where are your favorite places to go for relaxing and having fun?
Danielle: I’m a tried and true homebody. For me, relaxing is sitting in my backyard with a good book and a cup of tea. When I want to have fun, I play golf on the weekends or take a quick trip to Palm Springs. I also love to play games with family and friends.
BMW Sequel: What celebrity has made you most star struck?
Danielle: I can’t say I’ve ever been star-struck by a celebrity. If I’m going to be completely honest, celebrities are the last people we should be “struck” by. They are entertaining and help give us a reprieve from our day-to-day lives but they aren’t exactly worthy of praise. I’m constantly struck by people who have dedicated their lives to science and curing disease or those who dedicate their lives to helping others. They may not be famous but they should be.
BMW Sequel: How do you feel about playing a mom on TV? Is it different than what you expected?
Danielle: Playing a mom on TV is really fun for me. I don’t have kids of my own so I didn’t know how natural it would be. What I absolutely did not expect was how quickly Rowan, Sabrina, Peyton, Corey, and Auggie would come blasting into my heart. I love them like they are family and there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do to help support them. We are all on an interesting journey together and that forms a special bond between people. I look forward to seeing them continue to evolve and grow into wonderful young adults as the years pass.
BMW Sequel: Ryan (From Twitter) asked: What is it like to play Topanga as an adult where she is teaching the kids life lessons as well as learning to be a good parent?
Danielle: That’s probably one of the best parts about playing Topanga as an adult. As a teenager, Topanga always seemed to have the right answer; she had the most A’s, she was level headed, she kept Cory grounded. As an adult raising two children, we get to see Topanga question herself a little bit more and look back on her younger self and wonder if she still thinks she knows what is right to do in all situations.
BMW Sequel: Stephanie (From Facebook) asked: Boy Meets World always taught me something with every episode. What, if anything, is the most memorable scene that taught you something about life?
Danielle: Actually, one of my biggest life lessons (it was more like a life realization!) came when we were filming GMW. It’s our Halloween episode and is one of my favorites we filmed during season 1. The episode deals with fear and how it affects everyone in different ways at different stages of life. No matter how old we are, we are all struggling with something. Every person has their faults and their fears and we all need people to help us and support us if we want to overcome them. It all seems so simple to say now but at time when we filmed the episode, I felt like a light bulb went off in my head.
BMW Sequel: Vanessa (From Facebook) asked: If you could play another character from Boy Meets World or Girl Meets World who would you pick and why?
Danielle: I would definitely play Mr. Feeny. Who wouldn’t want to be the person who always knows the right thing to say, is incredibly supportive, wise, and generally loved by everyone?
BMWSequel: What’s one piece of advice you have been given that has always stuck in your mind?
Danielle: I absolutely love this quote from Oprah Winfrey and I remind myself of it often: “Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that no one is going to know whether you did it or not.”
BMW Sequel: What have you noticed that is similar with the new and old cast? What’s the biggest thing that sets them apart?
Danielle: Just like the BMW cast, the GMW cast gets along very well and has a good time even when things are hectic. They also have very close families and respect and support each other. The biggest thing that sets them apart is that they are way more technologically savvy than we ever could have been (we didn’t even have the internet!) I’ve had to ask the kids to help me figure out settings on my iPhone more times than I care to count.
BMW Sequel: What’s one ’90s fashion trend you hope never makes a comeback?
Danielle: Goodness. Feathered bangs are the absolute worst thing to ever happen to my head so I hope those stay out of fashion for at least another 80 years or so.
BMW Sequel: Jackson (From Facebook) asked: How natural has it been to slide back into the role of Topanga. Having the roles completely reversed with you teaching, rather than learning, to Topanga’s children?
Danielle: Sliding back into the role of Topanga has been fairly simple. As a kid, Topanga influenced me more than I influenced Topanga but now I think I influence Topanga more. I know the areas in my life where I have greatly matured and the areas I still need to work on. I try to bring some of that to the character now and the maternal aspect of being a mother has come very naturally to me. I hope that shows on screen.
BMW Sequel: MEBBS (From Twitter) asked: Would you ever name any of your children after characters on BOY or GIRL?
Danielle: No, I wouldn’t. Everyone has perfectly delightful names but I have been hearing them my whole life, basically. I don’t think I could ever hear the name Morgan or Eric without thinking of Morgan and Eric Matthews!
BMW Sequel: Liz (From Twitter) What has been your favorite project that you’ve worked on so far? (Besides BMW & GMW)
Danielle: Doing Boiling Pot was easily my favorite project to work on after BMW/GMW. It was a really great group of people, some of whom I’ve maintained wonderful professional and personal relationships with. It’s always nice to be involved with a project that has a message and will hopefully inspire a positive change in the world.