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Kendra / January 7th, 2016



Photo Credit: Rowan’s Instagram

In the article below Rowan Blanchard talks about the importance of the upcoming episode Girl Meets STEM, which airs tomorrow. This episode brings up the importance of encouraging girls to show their interest in STEM subjects in school and in life. Below is a quote from the article where she talks about the episode. To read more of the interview and check out the exclusive clip go here: http://www.tvinsider.com/article/60555/girl-meets-world-rowan-blanchard-stem-subjects/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=tvi

Riley Matthews (Rowan Blanchard) and her friends have already taken on the school board to save their school’s art and music programs. Now on this week’s episode of Girl Meets World they’ll be facing off against inequality in science class—or, more specifically, the lower numbers of girls in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) fields.

The episode was particularly meaningful to Blanchard, as it was shot the same week she spoke to the UN about gender inequality, one of the many issues 2015’s “Feminist of the Year” cares about.

“I love hearing about political things and learning about how I can make the world a better place,” says Blanchard, of her commitment to raising awareness. “I do school, act, and go home and watch [the news] for two hours. That’s what I like to do. That’s what it’s always been!”

With such an academically-significant episode coming up on the show, we spoke to Blanchard about the episode, high school and Riley’s own scholarly interests.

What can you tell me about “Girl Meets STEM”? 
I’m so excited for this episode! “Girl Meets STEM” is about how there are lower statistics of girls, teenagers especially, in STEM fields. We talk about that because they’re all doing a science project and the teacher’s like, “Okay, the girls just sit there and write notes down while the boys do all the work.” Riley finds that very striking because Riley doesn’t like being told by anybody that she can’t do what anybody else can. So they take that [issue] up.


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