did another amazing round up of the writers tweets. To see the previous roundup we posted, you can go here.
[one] [two] [three] [four] [five] [six] [seven] [eight] [nine] [shawn&angela] [q&a]
- Master Plan: I was wondering if there is any special reason why Riley didn’t knew about Angela in Girl Meets Master Plan? “Because Shawn and Angela broke up well before Riley was born. Important to remember that.” (x)
- Farkle’s Choice: Do Maya and Riley ever fight over something besides boys? “They never fight over boys. Our show is better than that.” (x)
- First Date: Does Farkle have important role in First Date? “Farkle always has an important role and will be going through some changes.” (x)
- On a scale of 1-10 how cute is the cutest rucas moment in girl meets first date? “He says something that’s an absolute 10.” (x)
- Does Maya like the person who kisses her? “Yes. It leads to something interesting.” (x)
- Can you give us a hint on which guys get kissed or anything that happens in First Date? “It’s a Lucas kiss.” (x)
- Does Riley get kissed in First Date too? ”Not really, no.” (x)
- A line: Will you? (x)
- Cory to Lucas: “Riley’s not home.” (x)
- Demolition: Does Demolition happen in the Summer? You’ve never shown the Matthews during the summer… “No. You’re right. We need to do summer episodes.” (x)
- Pluto: So is Lucas a bullrider kind of cowboy or like a farm kind of cowboy? Heehaw “You’ll find out in Girl Meets Pluto.” (x)
- Secret of Life: Will Riley ever tell Lucas how she feels about him? “Yep.” (x) Is it in Girl Meets First Date? “Secret of Life and New World.” (x)
- In Farkle’s Choice there were 2 guys making R & M uncomfortable & F came to their defense. Will there be an episode like that? “Lucas will come to a friend’s defense in Secret of Life.” (x)
- New World: When will we have an official couple? “very soon but don’t blink.” (x)
- Lucas shows Riley what she means to him (x)
- Hurricane: Do Angela and Katy get in an argument when they first meet or do they keep it civil in front of the kids? “No argument at all” (x)
- The Tale Tell Tot: “Riley makes friends with her inner potato.” (x)
- Josh line: “I’ll walk you home.” (x)
- The Rules: “Decensus In Caniculi Cavum!” [Down the Rabbit Hole] (x)
- Will GMW ever have a similar episode like “And Then There was Shawn?” “Filming one a little like it this week.” (x)
- Lucas and Maya quote: “You know that lamb that Mary lost?” (x)
- “Rileytown vs. Mayaville. Where to live. Where to live.” (x)
- If Riley’s the princess who do you consider Maya as? “The Empress of Mayaville.” (x)
- Next episode after The Rules is Terror 2 (x)
- Riley and Lucas stage direction: Lucas texts Cory something right in front of the whole class. (x)
- Another Riley and Lucas stage direction: “Lucas looks at Riley, jumps out of his seat, climbs over his own desk, the desk behind him and runs out of the room.” (x)
- What is one important thing Riley will learn in season 2? “If she is ready to be somebody’s girlfriend.” (x)
- Will Lucas and Cory get along well and have a good bond in season 2? “Cory likes Lucas very much, as you will see.” (x)
- “Some incredible [BMW] flashbacks coming up.” (x)
- So we’ve seen Riley jealous but is Lucas ever going to be jealous of a guy flirting with Riley?? “There is a story in the works written by a guest writer. In that story Riley makes a decision. Lucas reacts.” (x)
- Is Farkle still gonna wear turtlenecks in season 2? Y’all said everyone has grown up so much. “Farkle will go through a change.” (x)
- Is Farkle’s change an Urkel to Stefan kind of change or is it a change in personality? “He may actually find his true personality.” (x)
- How much will we like the change in Lucas in season 2? ”He gets more complex.” (x)
- Will Maya and Lucas ever have a serious heartfelt scene about each other or nah? “End of season 2” (x)
- “We will see Auggie in school.” (x)
- Who’s gonna be the next BMW character back on set? “Feeny and Shawn and Eric and Angela and Chet have taped. 3 more coming.” (x)
- Do Topanga and Farkle’s mom consider themselves close friends or casual friends? “Not friends.” (x)
- Whatever happened to Eddie? Did Jack replace him as Shawn’s step-brother, or does Shawn have two step-brothers? “Eddie is out there in the world somewhere” (x)
- Which side of Shawn’s family does Eddie belong? Chet’s side or Virna’s side? ”The gone side, so Virna.” (x)
- But I don’t know if you forgot this but Virna isn’t Shawn’s mom.His mom is the stripper who was never to be found. “Yep, but at least Virna showed up. It all depends how you define mother or father.” (x)
- How many episodes is Rider going to be on in season 2? “Rider will visit each season, but his influence will be felt as a director many times. Also his brother Shiloh.” (x)
- Minkus will be back three times in season two. (x)
- Does Angela have a secret? “Mm hmm.” (x)
- How big and surprising is Angela’s secret…? “Pretty” (x)
- Maya’s so mean to Farkle sometimes….why does he still love her? Does love conquer all? “Because he loves her the way she is. I believe it does.” (x)
- How ‘bout less Laya more Faya? “That seems less popular but you’ll have your moments.” (x)
- Will Farkle and Riley ever happen? “Farkle and Riley and Maya are ongoing.” (x)
- Will the subway moment with Maya and Lucas from the first episode ever be mentioned? “Possibly brought up again.” (x)
- Maya and Lucas stage direction: “Maya grabs Lucas with both hands by his shirt. She pulls him nose to nose, then she…” (x)
- 3 words to describe Lucaya? “not what will… (sorry, you said three)” (x)
- Is there ever going to be a heart to heart moment between Riley and Lucas? “Uh huh” (x)
- Riley and Lucas stage direction: “Riley holds on to Lucas’ face…” (x)
- On a scale of 1 to 20 how big is the biggest rucas moment? “Big” (x)
- Is Maya keeping anything from Riley ? Pleeeease answer! “They keep nothing from each other.” (x)
- Is there anything you wish you’d done a little differently in BMW that you’ll apply to GMW? Lessons you leaned? “We are proud of BMW. This is a continuation. It’s the world that’s different. We’ve learned the world gets tougher.” (x)
- Season 1 or 2 in your opinion? “2. no question.” (x) “Season 1 we found our legs. Season 2 we start to run…” (x)
- How many seasons do you think would be ideal for GMW? “7” (x)
- Why are people trying to mess up the story line and make Auggie and Ava the new Cory and Topanga when we know it’s Riley and Lucas “There is only one Cory and Topanga.” (x)
- But you said Maya was the new Shawn so wouldn’t that make Riley Cory and Lucas Topanga “Actually, I don’t think I ever called Maya the new Shawn, did I? I do think they have similar spirits.”
- So Lucas is Topanga and Riley is Cory? “Nobody is anybody else. They are who they are. ” (x)
- Will we see Cory yell at Riley and Auggie (when older) like Alan yelled at Eric and Cory or is it too Disney for that? “There will be arguments, yes. ” (x)
- Does Lucas live with both of his parents? “Yes” (x)
- What is the meaning behind Riley’s name? Is there a literary reference like Friar Lawrence &, I think, The Hart Is A Lonely Hunter? “Someday we will find out.” (x)
- Are you guys gonna use the Auggie Superspy stuff again. It seemed to be something Auggie does regularly? “Superspy will appear and get promoted.” (x)
- Does Auggie have a Minkus in his class? “Everybody does ” (x)