Photo Credit: Rowan’s Instagram
Rowan wrote out a beautiful letter in regards to the show being cancelled that she posted on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. We are so sad about Girl Meets World being cancelled but as Rowan stated so beautifully there isn’t one thing about this show and it’s lessons to not be proud of. They will always remain a tight close knit family. Please check out her letter which I have typed out below to put here on the website.
Source: Rowan’s Twitter
I have tried to go in and write this many times, in preparation for this moment might come. I will never be able to put into words my gratitude for Michael Jacobs, the creator of our little world, for bringing us all together- by all, I mean us and you.
Being on Girl Meets World is the most significant event in my life thus far, it changed absolutely every aspect of it, and takes up most of the life, I am able to remember. It is with this cast family I experienced mourning and heartbreak and overjoyment and long days that turned into long nights, each and every moment so painstakingly beautiful. Thanks to the show I have four moms, three of which are named Elizabeth, all of which became best friends themselves.
Doing a show in general, specifically doing a show as a child into your teenhood, is so incredibly cosmic and scary but you do it because you love these people, because this has become your routine, because it is the closest you will get to being in real school, etc. I am crying typing this because yes, we were making a show, but our lives turned into a movie. We dressed The Breakfast Club, hid under stairwells to tell each other about our crushes, sobbed together when we suffered the death our teacher… these are things you don’t forget. That I will never forget.
I am trying to explain to myself these moments are forever. That this energy must amount to something much greater than a simple end. That crew loves each other so much. You don’t realize how rare that is. I am so endlessly indebted to them for forgiving us when we couldn’t through takes without laughing, for forgiving us when we annoyingly asked “when’s lunch?” even though we knew it was at twelve, for hugging us and bringing us tissues and allowing us to jump on the set couches until we fell on our heads (or maybe that was just me.)
As for you well I don’t know where to begin. I am so honored to call you our audience. You allowed a dream to breathe. You have given us so much, you give so much, and for that we genuinely will never be able to repay you. Thank you for the parents who brought your kids to our shows, thank you to the kids for watching us. There is so much power in an an audience that goes unsaid. Everything we did was in effort to give you the lessons we thought you deserved, that we knew you needed. We tried to represent you as best as we could, but more than that, we aimed to be accepted by you. Thank you for that.
It’s hard for me to continue writing this while having to think about Riley and her friends, but there is a deep, vibrant, copiousness that arises and hugs me when I think of how many Riley, Maya, Lucas, Farkle, Zay, and little Auggies the world at this very second. Friends that are infinities in human form. If we ever become the reason for a friendship, or heightened one, then goodness, thank god, we did our job.
Please continue to watch the show. To talk about it. Teens determine and influence all of this in general, and I hope and think our show reflects you for how you are: brave, opinionated, audacious, devoted, dynamic, loving, nurturing, and powerful. People, more than often adults who have forgotten their power, will tell you differently and I hope that is when you turn to our show, which is now your show. I will continue to fight to not be talked down to by the shows, books, and movies, that are aimed towards us. I am sorry that this channel is just not able to understand that (don’t think for a moment this happened because of you.) But I know what we are capable of. I know very well what we did. I am above all humbled to know I belong to such an extraordinary generation. What an honor.
I love you. I love this cast. I love this crew. I love Riley. I love this world we made. I love that it is now your world.
Filled with gratitude,